Millions of Americans don't really know how to invest intelligently, yet they invest their money anyway. Without high risk, can you invest money and earn greater returns? Let's look at a simple way to invest for 2011, 2012 or anytime.
There are four traditional ways to invest money in America. Stocks and bonds are popular with some folks, while real estate appeals to others. People who don't know how to invest often stash their money in safe investments at the bank. Not many investors invest in all of the above investment classes.
With diversification you can invest and spread the risk around. Invest money in all four investment areas and you invest with diversification. Now you need to know how to invest successfully with a simple plan in 2011, 2012 and into the future. We will start by explaining where to invest.
By owning mutual funds you can invest in all of the above investments. Larger fund companies offer a wide variety of investment options. It's their job to manage your money, and your job to decide what funds to invest money in. There are four different funds you'll want to invest money in.
For a safe investment to earn interest invest in a money market fund. Your best bet for a bond investment is to invest in an intermediate-term bond fund. For a stock investment invest in a diversified stock fund. For a real estate investment, invest in a real estate equity fund.
When you start investing invest the same amount of money in each of the four funds. Once a year move money to get the fund investments back to where they all have the same dollar value. Now you know how to invest profitably for 2011, 2012 and beyond with a simple investment strategy that works.